Monday, October 18, 2010

Important Items In Our Lives At The Moment

Mylicon - Pretty sure this is the reason we're getting more sleep these days. We figured out that when Max started sleeping bad was around the time we stopped giving him this medicine. We're back to giving him this medicine and we're all sleeping a little more these days!! There was a recall on the Mylicon so we're using the generic brand. I drove around to four different stores looking for this stuff yesterday afternoon. Mylicon

Magic Sleepsuit - This is also contributing to Max's improved sleep! It's also helping him learn to sleep with out being swaddled. The first night he slept in it, he slept for 4 hours straight. Big improvement! Only down side is that I got a sleepsuit with faulty zippers. Thankfully the company is very responsive and they're sending out a new one right away.

Baby Led Weaning is a new book I'm waiting on. I can't wait to read it! I hear it does wonders for getting your baby to eat and try healthy foods from the start.

New items coming into our lives soon -

Bath Seat - Boy-b (Max's nickname) is getting a little too big for his baby bath tub in the sink. 

BOB Sport Utility Stroller - Boy-b will soon be growing out of his carseat and when that happens it will be time to get him a new stroller as well. This stroller is perfect for our evening walks and taking the Boy-b off the sidewalks into the grass...especially at ACL next year!

High Chair Booster Seat - With Boy-b moving on to solid foods here in the next month he's going to need a high chair. Instead of getting the whole high chair we decided a booster seat would work better in our home.

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