I'm 37 weeks, which means the baby is full term and is welcome to come any day now. I have a feeling he's pretty happy where he's at and not quiet ready to celebrate his birthday just yet. I'm starting to feel contractions, the kind that stop you in your tracks. They usually go away if I sit down and there not consistant or to the point where I need to time them. We are down to weekly appointments now to track my progress. After the first exam last week, I would have been happy to never do that again. But six days have passed, contractions have started, my tail bone hurts - which means my hips are spreading and with all of this I'm looking forward to my next exam! I hope to hear there has been some type of progress.
Here is a photo of Kris & I are our friend Alison & Aaron's wedding this past weekend. It was a beautiful wedding. We're so happy for them!! I'll get another belly shot posted some time today!

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