Famous Birthdays:
Harry Connick Jr.
D.H. Lawrence
O Henry
Famous Events:
1909- Max Wolf rediscovers Halley's Comet
1914 - T. Handy publishes "St. Louis Blues"
1927 - Babe Ruth hits 50th of 60 homers
2001 - Terrorists hijack two passenger plans crashing them into the New York's World Trade Towers causing the collapse of both & death of 2,752 people. Terrorists hijack a passenger plane and crash it into the Pentagon causing the death of 125 people. Attempt by passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93 to retake control of their hijacked plane from terrorists causes plane to crash in Pennsylvania field killing all 64 people onboard.
2002 - Through extreme and coordinated effort, The Pentagon is rededicated after repairs are completed, exactly one year after the attack on the building.